Standing on the side of the table when serving


Jayce Soberano
Jayce Soberano Asked 11 years ago

I've been watching alot of matches on youtube lately. Everytime i watch i always wonder about something.

This time is that i see a lot of players stands on the side when serving. They stand more on the side of the table than on the edge of the table. Example is Xu Xin and Wang Hao. Even their arm that is holding the ball is over the table. Never read the rules but from what i know, your serve should be behind the table. Is this allowed or is this something that the judges dont take seriously?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Jayce,

The ball has to be behind the end line of the table or the extension of the end line.  You will find that the ball is doing this in all of their serves even if their arms are over the playing surface.  The judges do take this rule seriously.

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