Submitting videos


usman rauf
usman rauf Asked 14 years ago

Hello sir,

Well I have been thinking recently that there are sometimes problems asked by the audience that realy need you to c the prob by ur slf..wel thats imposibl bt nt imposible in the presenc of FACEBOOK. u pepl are having ur page so you must urg all other peple to share the videos of ther games to sort out the prob if they are really needed 2 b seen by u...Please dont mind its just a suggestion wich willl bring more perfction in ur work...becoz smtims the prob are 2 critical in a way that they mst b shown....its nt a bad idea anyway...wt do you say???what others say about it??? i mean the peple who read ths???

yours sincerely and with regards

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Usman,

Thanks for the suggestion regarding people submitting videos to Ask the Coach. We have previously tried this as a paid service with little response. We would not have time to watch everyone's videos so we cannot offer this to everyone right now.

We may look at bringing something like this in for Premium members in the future.

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