Swapping between bats


Zach Hills
Zach Hills Asked 10 years ago

Hey Alois,

I was wondering if you could answer my question about swapping bats. 

I have started off with a decent Dunlop pre made bat. My Dunlop bat has stopped producing the amount of spin greatly and I have only had it for about 1 month. I have been interested in your pingskills touch with mark v but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of upgrade yet. I have had 2 lessons with an outstanding coach. Do you think I should step up to the pingskills touch with mark V?


Zach Hills

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Zach,

It may be time to get a new bat or new rubber at least.

The Touch with Mark V may be an option depending on your level or the other option that we have is the PingSkills Rook.

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