Swing on the Ball


Grenville Pereira
Grenville Pereira Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois & Jeff

I have observed sometimes that on playing certain fast shots at an angle or say with some side spin , the ball tends to have swing and I see that it troubles  opponents . Is this observation correct ? What make the ball swing or drift and how I learn how to play this kind of shot deliberatly and use it to my advantage.




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Grenville,

Sounds like you are putting some sidespin on the ball.  This would be done by changing the angle of your wrist.  If you drop the wrist you will start to get sidespin on the ball.  If you have your wrist perfectly straight you will generate pure topspin.

The sidespin is what makes the ball swing or drift off its straight line. 

It is important that you can also play a pure topspin.  To hit the ball really fast it is best t have pure topspin on the ball.  When you start to put sidespin on the ball your stroke becomes more risky.

To learn how to do the sidespin topspin take a look at our lesson on our free lessons page on the Sidespin Forehand Topspin.  This will help you to understand what is happening with your stroke. 

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Footwork for a Short Ball

Find out how to move to the short ball so that you are balanced and ready to play the next shot.

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Thoughts on this question

Shaji Alavi

Shaji Alavi Posted 13 years ago

Hi coach,rni would like to add that i too have observed that when i hit the ball flat from a distance and from a good height of the backhand, the ball does swing in the air but i never see it do any movement on the table coz either its a winner shot or it goes long. Its a kind of flat slap on the ball of the backhand. And yes you are right, the sidespin topspin is a very inconsistent shot for me. 7 out of 10 times the ball would hit the edge of the racket and fly away. Pure topspin is what i stick to for now.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
That is good thinking Shaji.  Work on the straight topspin first.

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