Tactical value of the forehand smash


Paul Young
Paul Young Asked 11 years ago

My question is about the tactical value of the forehand smash shot between players of equal ability. I've watched a lot of matches in which the defending player manages to return the forehand smash with, what appears to be, relative ease.

You often see exchanges between attacking and defensive players that can go on for many shots – the attacking players often leaping into the air to gain some possible additional advantage. However a good defensive player can anticipate the smash and make a return from virtually any angle – so you have to wonder, purely from a tactical point of view, if the smash is worth it?

Of course from a spectator point of view these exchanges are a great spectacle.

Thanks for a great site and all your helpful videos.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Paul,

Speed is one of the factors that can win you points.  The other thing to look at are spin and placement.  I think a combination of these things can win you points.  If you always play with speed then your opponent can become used to it.

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Thoughts on this question

Charlie Chung

Charlie Chung Posted 11 years ago

One thing I do when smashing against a good lobber is to hit one smash with 50% power, using the same form as the full smash. They usually have to dig to get it (because it doesn't go as far), and then I go back to full power. This usually disrupts their rhythm...

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Good suggestion Charlie!

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