Hi Alois
During a look at ITTF Handbook i saw a term Expidite System. Can you explain me this thing.
Another thing is that if a player hits hits the ball away from my court and i hit it, but away from my end line, is that my point or his?
Hi Aasim,
I'll answer your second question first. If you hit the ball on the full and the ball has passed the end line, you win the point. It's only if you hit the ball in front of the end line on the full that you lose the point.
Now to your first question. If a game takes longer than 10 minutes then the expedite system comes into play. This means that if the receiver makes 13 correct returns in a rally, then the receiver wins the point.
Here are the official rules:
2.15.1 Except as provided in 2.15.2, the expedite system shall come into operation
after 10 minutes’ play in a game or at any time when requested by both
players or pairs.
2.15.2 The expedite system shall not be introduced in a game if at least 18 points
have been scored.
2.15.3 If the ball is in play when the time limit is reached and the expedite system is
due to come into operation, play shall be interrupted by the umpire and shall
resume with service by the player who served in the rally that was interrupted;
if the ball is not in play when the expedite system comes into operation, play
shall resume with service by the player who received in the immediately
preceding rally.
2.15.4 Thereafter, each player shall serve for 1 point in turn until the end of the
game, and if the receiving player or pair makes 13 correct returns in a rally
the receiver shall score a point.
2.15.5 Introduction of the expedite system shall not alter the order of serving and
receiving in the match, as defined in 2.13.6.
2.15.6 Once introduced, the expedite system shall remain in operation until the end
of the match.
If you hit the ball and it lands on the net camp on your opponents side, is it in or out?
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Aasim Showkat Posted 12 years ago
thanks Jeff
You're welcome Aasim.