Training partner co-operation?


Piers Grey
Piers Grey Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois, I've got a problem, at my local table tennis club I'm finding it hard to follow the training template that you've shown on your website. This is because when I start playing with someone they just want to go straight into a game without any form of warm-up drills on the table so when I play I can't focus on what I'm doing because I haven't warmed up before hand. What do you suggest I should do about it? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Piers,

This is a common problem.  You need to keep searching for someone, even if they are a weaker standard player that can put the ball back on the table for you so that you can train some of the drills.

Keep searching.  You will fin dthe right person that is as keen as you are to improve their game.

Recommended Video

3 Proven Solo Table Tennis Drills for Fast Improvement

Want to improve your table tennis skills but don’t have a partner to practice with? No worries! In this video, we show you 3 proven solo table tennis drills that will help you boost your game, even when you’re training alone. No partner? No problem! With these solo drills, you can keep improving your skills and dominate the table tennis game.

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Thoughts on this question

Piers Grey

Piers Grey Posted 15 years ago

The problem is, there is nobody at my nearest club who will willingly want to follow your training template. What should I do now?

Also, starting from next week, I will hopefully be getting a one-on-one coaching session. Do you think that two hours of one-on-one coaching; that is perfect practice, (effectively!) is more worthwhile then two hours (for three years) of constant games of where there is barely any real practice made and hardly any progression of level of play made?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago
Hi Piers, I do think that 2 hours of one on one coaching is better than just playing games and hitting around. Let us know how you progress.

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 15 years ago

piers, are you getting your coaching from norwich? that is where i get my coaching, and although expensive it has improved my game greatly in a short space of a few months. i couldnt find any coaching in our area apart from the twins in norwich, which atto gave me details of. if you have found some closer to home i would be very interested to know where. good luck with it. you need drills to improve, if you are playing just games you are only going to try to win the games, and that means you will only use your strengths and never improve your weaknesses. i personally dont like the idea of the new format of our club, but the coaching is vital.

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