Training plan when using a table tennis robot


Cezary Dubicki
Member Badge Cezary Dubicki Asked 4 months ago


I have just purchased the premium subscription and I am looking forward to developing my tt skills.

I use to train mostly at home, apart from playing once a week in a tt club as well as playing with friends, and I am using a PowerPong Omega tt robot and the drills it offers.  Is the training plan taking into consideration the possibility of using a tt robot? Will it make it more efficient, how to adjust it and what kinds of drills would be most useful?

best regards

Cezary from Sweden

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 months ago

Hi Cezary,

Great to hear from you, and it's exciting to know you've invested in a table tennis robot to enhance your training at home.

We have had quite a few members tailor the 52 Week Training Plans to the use of a robot.  You can do a lot with the robot.  Some of it however, is best done with a training partner.

The easiest use of the robot is for the improvement of strokes and technique.  The more difficult is when it comes to the follow up balls and getting the feel of the reaction off your opponent's racket.

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Thoughts on this question

Philip Samuel

Member Badge Philip Samuel Posted 3 months ago

Hi Cezary. I have just done the same as you. I have been using my PPO for just over two years now and just joined the Premium Membership. I will be adapting some of the training drills to use with the PPO. And as Alois has said, for other aspects I will need to encourage someone at the club to do some drills with me. 

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