Warm Up


Malcolm Goulding
Malcolm Goulding Asked 12 years ago


What body warm up execerises would you recommend or is this covered somewhere on the site.

thanks for allthe excellant instruction



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Malcolm,

As a Premium member you can see this in our Training Secrets Course under the Physical Warm Up lesson.  You will see Jeff do an extensive warm up on there.

I am glad that you are enjoying the lessons.  Let us know of you need any other help.

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#29 - Short Push Return

Do you want to win games? If so you must keep practicing your short push return of serve. This is one of the most critical shots in Table Tennis. The ability to execute this shot well will be the difference between you being an average player and a great player. It is that important. Make sure you go out and follow this session so that your short push becomes your secret weapon.

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