What bat should I get


Canci Rakes
Canci Rakes Asked 11 years ago

The price doesn't matter to me, I don't feel like purchasing a rubber and a blade. It would be too much of a hassle for me, I'm an amateur table tennis player, I live in the UK. So if you could suggest a good bat for me, that would be great. Btw, I'm more of an attacking kind of an opponent.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Canci,

The bat we recommend is the PingSkills Touch.  I would get it with Mark V rubber on both sides.

What bat are you using at the moment?

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Thoughts on this question

Canci Rakes

Canci Rakes Posted 11 years ago

Well right now, just some random bat that came with my Butterfly table. Not sure what it is, but has like loads of dots on both sides.

Xariuz Cruz

Xariuz Cruz Posted 11 years ago

Short pimples or long pimples lol

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi i think a PingSkills touch would be the right bat for you then.

Oscar Moe Myint

Oscar Moe Myint Posted 10 years ago

How can we know that a bat is with long pimples or short pimples ?

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