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Basic Strokes

Learning the basic strokes is building block 1 of your development.

Tutorial Lessons

Building Blocks of Table Tennis

Building Blocks of Table Tennis
Back to Strokes and Techniques 0% COMPLETE 9 LESSONS
1 Introduction 1:38
2 Basic Strokes 2:10
3 Linking Strokes 1:25
4 Randomisation 2:41
5 Serve and Return 2:20
6 Match Drills 1:50
7 Match Play 1:12
8 Psychology 2:03
9 Summary 0:46

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STAN HARDING Posted 6 years ago


As a level 1 coach I am helping Under 16's Adults (who have never held a bat before) and run the local U3a over 50' (who have never held a bat) tt group.,


I find you videos ver clear and instructive.

However even your most basic instruction is to advanced for the people who have never held a bat in their life before


How do you approach these would be players ( many of whom just want to have fun?


best wishes




Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Hi Stan,

Great to hear about your work with the different ages and level of players.

You have a god point with out instructional videos.  This is something that we have thought about tackling.  The basic thing though is to get them hitting the ball consistently.  Finding ways to make that fun.  Putting targets on the table works well.  Having little competitions between the tables to see who can get the most on the table without a mistake...

This is something that we will look to develop.  Thanks for taking an interest.  If you ever need any help let us know.

Mamut Sardar

Mamut Sardar Posted 6 years ago

Hi Alois Rosario 

I am finding difficult to control the ball when I catch the bat in the way that you have shown in the video, normally I have a tendency to grasp the bat in the way thatIi put two fingers  (pointing and the nearby) one on the bat backside, how can I overcome this case.

I start the game with correct bat catching but during playing, i switch it to false grasping unconsciously.



best regards to you and your college 


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Hi Mamut,

Try to maintain the correct grip.  It will feel awkward at first but persevere with it.

Jeff Plumb

Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Hi Stan,

Here is a new series we call training 101 that might help with people who have never held a bat before.

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